I recently watched an amazing documentary about the importance of being happy and how to find true happiness. What I loved MOST about the documentary that it was so evidence-based and gave scientific case studies and research confirming what it is that makes us humans MOST happy!
The studies they've conducted have actually proven that those who are most happy are the ones focused on accomplishing intrinsic goals (based on a desire for personal growth, building relationships, and helping and serving others) rather than those who focus on extrinsic goals (money, status, image, and popularity) and who, as a result, were depressed, lacked purpose, meaning, and had anxiety.
The ultimate factor of happiness? Love. Compassion. Building community, serving others, being kind to others. Practicing selflessness. The happiest people in the world were those who focused on doing one random act of kindness a day, to possibly someone they did not even know, and to someone whom they did not expect anything in return. It is practicing and sharing this kind of unconditional, selfless, and joyful love that makes us most at peace, most fulfilled, and most-of-all, most happy!
I've included the trailer, as well as an interview with the filmaker Tom Shadyac and Ellen Degeneres... If you get a chance to watch the documentary, I'd say it's well worth-it! Definatley a must-see that will make you feel happier just watching! ;-)
love to you all -brigitte xoxo